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Closing Loan Program NUWSP: Komitmen Tingkatkan Akses Air Minum Aman dan Berkelanjutan di Indonesia
  2024-11-22 16:38:06    Dibaca : 212

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Gambar 1 – Acara Closing Loan NUWSP 2024, di Jakarta, pada Selasa, 19 November 2024, secara resmi ditutup oleh Wakil Menteri PU Diana Kusumastuti (Dok. CPMU NUWSP)


Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum (PU) melalui Direktorat Jenderal Cipta Karya secara resmi menggelar acara Closing Loan National Urban Water Supply Project (NUWSP) di Auditorium Kementerian PU, pada Selasa, 19 November 2024. Kegiatan yang dibuka oleh Wakil Menteri PU Diana Kusumastuti ini dihadiri oleh berbagai pihak, termasuk Pemerintah Pusat, Pemerintah Daerah, lembaga donor, dan BUMD Air Minum.

Kegiatan tersebut bertujuan merayakan keberhasilan program NUWSP yang telah berjalan sejak 2018 dalam memperluas akses air minum aman di perkotaan Indonesia. Sekaligus memperkuat komitmen pemerintah pusat dan daerah dalam mewujudkan akses air minum layak bagi masyarakat. Melalui sinergi yang berkelanjutan, diharapkan pembangunan infrastruktur air minum dapat terus berkontribusi pada peningkatan kualitas hidup masyarakat Indonesia.

Gambar 2 - Wakil Menteri Pekerjaan Umum Diana Kusumastuti dalam acara Closing Loan NUWSP, dengan resmi menutup NUWSP yang telah berjalan sejak 2018 (Dok. CPMU NUWSP)


Menurut Wamen PU, NUWSP merupakan implementasi dari kerangka National Urban Water Supply (NUWAS) yang bertujuan memperluas akses air minum perpipaan di kota dan kabupaten terpilih. Program ini resmi dimulai pada 8 Agustus 2018 dan resmi berakhir pada 30 November 2024. NUWSP mengintegrasikan bantuan fisik, seperti pengembangan infrastruktur perpipaan, dengan bantuan nonfisik, seperti penguatan kapasitas teknis dan manajerial bagi BUMD AM serta pemerintah daerah. Fokus utamanya adalah memastikan tersedianya layanan air minum yang layak bagi masyarakat perkotaan.

Wamen PU melanjutkan, NUWSP telah memberikan kontribusi signifikan dalam percepatan penambahan lebih dari 1,6 juta sambungan rumah (SR) atau setara 16% dari target nasional dalam RPJMN 2020-2024, yaitu 10 juta SR. Keberhasilan ini tercapai berkat kolaborasi lintas sektor, inovasi pembiayaan, dan komitmen bersama antara pemerintah pusat, pemerintah daerah, dan berbagai pemangku kepentingan lainnya.

Selain mencapai target kuantitatif, NUWSP mendorong inovasi pembiayaan dengan investasi infrastruktur sebanyak 66 paket di 59 kabupaten/kota berupa bantuan program stimulan, bantuan program pendamping, bantuan optimalisasi, pemeliharaan, operasi dan rehabilitasi (OPOR), serta program hibah air minum berbasis kinerja (AMBK). Sebanyak 21 daerah telah memanfaatkan pembiayaan nonpublik untuk pembangunan infrastruktur, sementara 78 BUMD telah mencapai full cost recovery (FCR), mencerminkan keberlanjutan finansial yang semakin mapan. Dilakukan pula Technical Assistant and Capacity Building (TACT) bagi 247 Pemda yang diikuti lebih dari 1.300 staf BUMD Air Minum. Sementara itu, untuk dukungan kebijakan diselenggarakan kegiatan Transformasi Kelembagaan Sektor Air Minum di Indonesia - Studi Kasus Provinsi Bali, yang dilaksanakan oleh Aguas de Portugal (AdP) Internacional.

Gambar 3 - Talkshow diisi oleh narasumber Wakil Menteri PU, Direktur SUPD II Ditjen Bangda Kemendagri, Deputi Sapras Bappenas, dan Pjs Kota Dumai, dengan moderator Andy F. Noya, dalam acara Closing Loan NUWSP, pada Selasa, 19/11/2024 (Dok. CPMU NUWSP)


Dalam acara Closing Loan NUWSP 2024 tersebut digelar talkshow dengan narasumber Wakil Menteri Pekerjaan Umum, Direktur Sinkronisasi Urusan Pemerintahan Daerah II, Direktorat Jenderal Bina Pembangunan Daerah, Kementerian Dalam Negeri Wahyu Suharto, Deputi Bidang Sarana dan Prasarana Kementerian PPN/Bappenas Ervan Maksum, serta Penjabat Sementara Wali Kota Dumai Teuku Raja Fahsul Falah, dan bertindak sebagai moderator talkshow adalah Andy F. Noya. Para narasumber memberikan wawasan mendalam tentang peran dan kolaborasi antarlembaga dalam mendukung keberlanjutan akses air minum di Indonesia.

Gambar 4 - NUWSP Awards diberikan kepada empat kabupaten/kota masing-masing untuk kategori Bantuan Stimulan Terbaik, Bantuan Pendamping Terbaik, Bantuan OPOR Terbaik, dan Program Hibah AMBK Terbaik (Dok. CPMU NUWSP)

Sebagai bentuk apresiasi, Kementerian PU juga memberikan NUWSP Awards kepada Pemerintah Daerah dan BUMD Air Minum dengan kinerja terbaik dalam empat kategori:

  1. Bantuan Stimulan Terbaik, dengan pemenang Kota Dumai untuk Optimalisasi SPAM Kota Dumai
  2. Bantuan Pendamping Terbaik, dengan pemenang Kota Bogor untuk pembangunan IPA Cipinang Gading Kapasitas 50 liter/detik Kota Bogor
  3. Bantuan Operasi dan Pemeliharaan (OPOR) Terbaik, dengan pemenang Kota Waringin Timur untuk optimalisasi SPAM IKK Bejarau (Sei Lepeh) Kab. Kotawaringin Timur
  4. Hibah Air Minum Berbasis Kinerja Terbaik, dengan pemenang Kota Magelang.

Acara ditutup secara simbolis oleh Wakil Menteri PU Diana Kusumastuti didampingi Direktur Air Minum, Ditjen Cipta Karya, Kementerian PU Anang Muchlis, serta Program Leader World Bank for Indonesia and Timor Leste Vikas Choudhary; Practice Manager Water Global Practice, East Asia and Pacific, World Bank Maria Angelica Sotomayor; Direktur SUPD II Ditjen Bina Bangda Kemendagri Wahyu Suharto; dan Deputi Bidang Sarana dan Prasarana Bappenas Ervan Maksum.

Mengakhiri acara, dipaparkan Roadmap Transformasi Kelembagaan Air Minum Indonesia oleh Team Leader Aguas de Portugal (AdP) Internacional.

Gambar 5 - Team Leader Aguas de Portugal Internacional untuk Indonesia memaparkan Roadmap Transformasi Kelembagaan Air Minum Indonesia dalam Closing Loan NUWSP di Jakarta, 19/11/2024 (Dok. CPMU NUWSP)


Berakhirnya NUWSP ini bukanlah akhir dari perjalanan Indonesia menuju air minum aman bagi masyarakat. Keberhasilan NUWSP diharapkan menjadi inspirasi untuk proyek-proyek serupa di masa depan, sejalan dengan komitmen Indonesia terhadap tujuan ke-6 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): memastikan akses air bersih dan sanitasi yang berkelanjutan bagi semua. Untuk itu, Kementerian PU mengajak seluruh pihak agar terus bersinergi demi menciptakan masyarakat yang lebih sehat dan sejahtera.

Gambar 6 - Keberhasilan NUWSP diharapkan menjadi inspirasi untuk proyek-proyek serupa di masa depan, sejalan dengan komitmen Indonesia terhadap tujuan ke-6 SDGs. (Dok. CPMU NUWSP)



Dokumentasi Kegiatan NUWSP

Kredit Foto:

CPMU NUWSP - istimewa

Ditulis oleh:

Nina Firstavina (Communication Assistant RMAC-2 NUWSP)


Closing Loan NUWSP Event: A Commitment to Enhancing Access to Safe and Sustainable Drinking Water in Indonesia

Figure 1 – Closing Loan NUWSP 2024 Event in Jakarta on Tuesday, November 19, 2024, was officially closed by Deputy Minister of Public Works Diana Kusumastuti (Photo: CPMU NUWSP)


The Ministry of Public Works (PU), through the Directorate General of Human Settlements, officially held the Closing Loan for the National Urban Water Supply Project (NUWSP) event at the Ministry's Auditorium on Tuesday, November 19, 2024. The event, which was opened by Deputy Minister of Public Works Diana Kusumastuti, was attended by various stakeholders, including the central and regional governments, donor agencies, and regional drinking water companies (BUMD).

The event aimed to celebrate the success of the NUWSP, which has been operating since 2018, in expanding access to safe drinking water in urban areas across Indonesia. It also reinforced the commitment of both the central and regional governments to ensure access to clean and safe drinking water for all citizens. Through ongoing synergy, it is hoped that the development of drinking water infrastructure will continue to contribute to improving the quality of life for Indonesians.

According to the Deputy Minister of Public Works, the NUWSP is the implementation of the National Urban Water Supply (NUWAS) framework, which aims to expand piped drinking water access in selected cities and regencies. The program officially began on August 8, 2018, and will conclude on November 30, 2024. NUWSP integrates physical assistance, such as the development of piped water infrastructure, with non-physical support, such as enhancing the technical and managerial capacities of regional water companies (BUMD AM) and local governments. Its primary focus is to ensure the provision of adequate drinking water services for urban communities.

Figure 2 - Deputy Minister of Public Works Diana Kusumastuti officially closing the NUWSP during the Closing Loan NUWSP 2024 Event, marking the conclusion of the program that has been running since 2018 (Photo: CPMU NUWSP)


Deputy Minister of Public Works Diana Kusumastuti stated that the NUWSP has made a significant contribution to accelerating the addition of over 1.6 million household connections (SR), which accounts for 16% of the national target in the 2020-2024 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN), set at 10 million SR. This success was achieved through cross-sector collaboration, financing innovation, and the collective commitment between the central government, local governments, and various other stakeholders.

In addition to meeting quantitative targets, NUWSP has fostered financing innovation through 66 infrastructure investment packages in 59 cities and regencies, which include stimulus program assistance, support program assistance, optimization assistance, and operation, maintenance, and rehabilitation (OPOR) assistance, as well as performance-based drinking water grants (AMBK). A total of 21 regions have utilized non-public financing for infrastructure development, while 78 regional drinking water companies (BUMD) have achieved full cost recovery (FCR), reflecting an increasingly stable financial sustainability.

Furthermore, the program included Technical Assistance and Capacity Building (TACT) for 247 local governments, attended by more than 1,300 staff members from regional drinking water companies. In terms of policy support, a seminar on Institutional Transformation in the Drinking Water Sector in Indonesia – A Case Study of Bali Province was organized by Aguas de Portugal (AdP) Internacional.

Figure 3 - The talk show featured speakers including the Deputy Minister of Public Works, the Director of SUPD II at the Directorate General of Regional Development, Ministry of Home Affairs, the Deputy for Infrastructure at Bappenas, and the Acting Mayor of Dumai, with moderator Andy F. Noya, during the Closing Loan NUWSP event on Tuesday, November 19, 2024 (Source: CPMU NUWSP).


At the Closing Loan NUWSP 2024 event, a talkshow was held featuring speakers including the Deputy Minister of Public Works, the Director of Synchronization of Regional Government Affairs II at the Directorate General of Regional Development, Ministry of Home Affairs Wahyu Suharto, the Deputy for Infrastructure and Facilities at the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas Ervan Maksum, and the Acting Mayor of Dumai Teuku Raja Fahsul Falah. The talkshow was moderated by Andy F. Noya. The speakers provided valuable insights into the roles and collaboration among institutions in supporting the sustainability of access to safely managed drinking water in Indonesia.

Figure 4 - The NUWSP Awards were presented to four regencies/cities, each in recognition of outstanding achievements in the following categories: Best Stimulus Assistance, Best Companion Assistance, Best OPOR Assistance, and Best AMBK Grant Program (Photo: CPMU NUWSP).


As a gesture of appreciation, the Ministry of Public Works (PU) has presented the NUWSP Awards to local governments and regional water supply companies (BUMD) for outstanding performance in four categories:

  1. Best Stimulus Assistance – awarded to Dumai City for the optimization of the Dumai City Water Supply System (SPAM).
  2. Best Support Assistance – awarded to Bogor City for the development of the Cipinang Gading Water Treatment Plant with a capacity of 50 liters per second in Bogor City.
  3. Best Operation and Maintenance Assistance (OPOR) – awarded to East Kotawaringin Regency for the optimization of the Bejarau (Sei Lepeh) SPAM in East Kotawaringin.
  4. Best Performance-Based Grant (PBG) – awarded to Magelang City.

The event was symbolically concluded by the Deputy Minister of Public Works and Housing, Diana Kusumastuti, accompanied by the Director of Drinking Water, Directorate General of Human Settlements, Ministry of Public Works and Housing, Anang Muchlis, as well as the Program Leader of Planet, Indonesia and Timor-Leste Country Office, Vikas Choudhary; Practice Manager for the Water Global Practice, East Asia and Pacific, World Bank, Maria Angelica Sotomayor; Director of SUPD II, Directorate General of Regional Development, Ministry of Home Affairs, Wahyu Suharto; and the Deputy for Infrastructure and Facilities, National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), Ervan Maksum.

Figure 5 - The Team Leader of Aguas de Portugal Internacional for Indonesia presenting the Roadmap for Institutional Transformation of Water Supply in Indonesia during the Closing Loan NUWSP in Jakarta, November 19, 2024 (Photo: CPMU NUWSP).


By the end of the event event, Team Leader of Aguas de Portugal (AdP) Internacional presented the Roadmap for the Transformation of Indonesia’s Drinking Water Institutions – Case Study Bali Province.

The completion of the NUWSP does not mark the end of Indonesia’s journey towards ensuring safe drinking water for its citizens. The success of NUWSP is expected to serve as an inspiration for similar projects in the future, in line with Indonesia's commitment to achieving Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6: ensuring access to clean water and sanitation for all. To this end, the Ministry of Public Works and Housing calls on all stakeholders to continue working together to create a healthier and more prosperous society.

Figure 6 – The success of NUWSP is expected to serve as an inspiration for similar projects in the future, in line with Indonesia's commitment to achieving SDG Goal 6. (Source: CPMU NUWSP)



NUWSP Documentation

Photo Credit:

CPMU NUWSP - Special

Written and Translated by:

Nina Firstavina (Communication Assistant RMAC-2 NUWSP)

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