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Kunjungan Lapangan Dalam Rangka ISM NUWSP 2024 ke Kota Pontianak
  2024-08-16 16:38:47    Dibaca : 213

Available in English


National Urban Water Supply Project (NUWSP) merupakan inisiasi penerapan Kerangka National Urban Water Supply (NUWAS) untuk meningkatkan akses air minum di wilayah perkotaan dengan prioritas investasi bagi peningkatan akses air minum perpipaan di kabupaten/kota terpilih. Sebagai salah satu prioritas investasi dalam NUWSP masih difokuskan kepada penyediaan air minum perkotaan melalui jaringan perpipaan yang dikelola oleh PDAM. Hal ini mengingat telah tersedianya kebijakan, instrumen, dan pengaturan kelembagaan yang lebih jelas untuk penyediaan air minum perpipaan, serta mempertimbangkan potensi skala dampak yang lebih besar. Selain itu juga sebagai peningkatan kinerja pemerintah daerah untuk meningkatkan akses air minum di wilayah perkotaan. 

Gambar 1. Suasana Pertemuan antara Tim CPMU NUWSP, Bank Dunia, dengan Pemda Kota Pontianak di Balai PPW Kalimantan Barat (Dok. NUWSP)

Kota Pontianak melalui Perumda Air Minum Tirta Khatulistiwa berhasil menjadi Kota Terpilih pada program NUWSP dengan skema bantuan pendamping yang dipersiapkan sejak 2023. Di sini, NUWSP memberikan insentif dana dari program kerja sama Perumda Air Minum Tirta Khatulistiwa dengan skema Business to Business. Output capaian pada NUWSP di Kota Pontianak berupa peningkatan kualitas layanan dan cakupan layanan berupa penambahan sebanyak 1.170 SR.

Dalam rangka mendukung kegiatan NUWSP, dilaksanakan Implementation Support Mission (ISM) pada 11-19 Juli 2024, yang bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi progres pelaksanaan terhadap batas akhir loan sesuai waktu perpanjangan (30 November 2024). Salah satu agenda ISM adalah kunjungan lapangan monitoring serta evaluasi kegiatan konstruksi fisik komponen I NUWSP di Kota Pontianak, pada Rabu, 17 Juli 2024. Kunjungan lapangan ini diikuti oleh Tim Bank Dunia untuk NUWSP Indonesia, Tim Central Project Management Unit (CPMU) NUWSP, perwakilan Kementerian Keuangan, Bappenas, Kemendagri, Kementerian PUPR, BPPW Kalimantan Barat, BUMD Air Minum Kota Pontianak, Bappeda Kota Pontianak, dan Kadis PU/PERKIM/OPD Bidang Air Minum Kota Pontianak.

Gambar 2. Tim CPMU NUWSP, Tim Bank Dunia, Tim BPPW Kalbar, Tirta Khatulistiwa, dan Tim NUWSP menyusuri lokasi pekerjaan jalur rencana pipa dalam rangka ISM NUWSP 2024 ke Kota Pontianak (Dok. NUWSP)

Sebelum kunjungan lapangan, dilakukan briefing di Kantor Balai Prasarana dan Permukiman Wilayah (BPPW) Kalimantan Barat, yang dibuka Kepala BPPW Kalbar Mohd. Yoza Habibie, didampingi oleh Kepala Satker Wilayah II Urai Asikin dan PPK AM BPPW Kalbar Reynaldo. Kemudian dilakukan paparan oleh Perumda Tirta Khatulistiwa oleh Direktur Pelayanan Wawan Hari Purnomo. Ia menyampaikan kegiatan Non Publik Pembangunan IPA Beton Nipah Kuning Kapasitas 300 LPS beserta Intake dan Jaringan Pipa Transmisi oleh Perumda Tirta Khatulistiwa di Kelurahan Sungai Beliung.

Disampaikan pula tentang Dokumen RC kegiatan NUWSP dan Komitmen pemenuhan SR serta Jaringan Distribusi Bagi (JDB) Perumda Tirta Khatulistiwa. Setelah itu, dipaparkan pula progres kegiatan NUWSP berupa konstruksi Pembangunan Jaringan Perpipaan SPAM Imam Bonjol. Disusul diskusi dan tanya jawab terkait update progres pekerjaan NUWSP beserta isu strategis yang ada pada kegiatan NUWSP di Kota Pontianak.

Gambar 3. Pertemuan antara Tim CPMU NUWSP, Bank Dunia, dengan Pemda Kota Pontianak di Balai PPW Kalimantan Barat, dibuka oleh Kepala Balai PPW Kalbar (foto kiri atas) disusul paparan oleh Tirta Khatulistiwa, dan Tim Supervisi NUWSP (Dok. NUWSP)

Berikutnya dilakukan kunjungan lapangan, yang diawali dengan Safety Induction oleh petugas K3 dan HSE dari tim supervisi dan penyedia jasa. Kegiatan dilanjutkan dengan monitoring dan evaluasi pada sepanjang jalur rencana pipa, mulai dari titik 0 di Jalan Puskesmas Pal V. Titik tersebut merupakan titik interkoneksi antara pipa JDU NUWSP dengan Booster Pal V milik Perumda Kota Pontianak. Jalur pipa ruas Jalan Puskemas Pal V ini terletak pada badan Sungai Jawi, di sebelah sheet pile Sungai Jawi, yang merupakan kewenangan milik Direktorat Jenderal Sumber Daya Air, Kementerian PUPR. Area sungai ini dikelola oleh Balai Wilayah Sungai Kalimantan I. Sesuai salah satu syarat dokumen RC pada kegiatan NUWSP, Perumda sebagai pengelola kegiatan ke depan, sudah melakukan permohonan izin Pengusahaan Sumber Daya Air di sempadan Sungai Jawi ke Direktorat Jenderal SDA.

Jalur pipa di ruas Jalan Puskesmas Pal V juga melewati saluran sekunder irigasi milik Dinas PU Kota Pontianak. Di saluran irigasi ini renananya akan dibangun jembatan pipa bentang 10 meter yang mengarah ke titik koneksi ke
Jalan Ampera dan Jalan Petani.

Gambar 4. Kunjungan Lapangan dimulai dari Booster PAL sampai Jalan Petani, diikuti Tim CPMU NUWSP, Tim Bank Dunia, Tim BPPW Kalbar, Tirta Khatulistiwa, dan Tim NUWSP (Dok. NUWSP)

Kunjungan lapangan ini diakhiri dengan kegiatan Wrap-Up Meeting. Dengan dilaksanakannya ISM ini diharapkan semua permasalahan yang dihadapi di lapangan dapat terselesaikan dengan baik, dan kontribusi NUWSP di Kota Pontianak mampu dirasakan manfaatnya secara lebih luas oleh masyarakat.

Kredit foto:
1. Tim NUWSP Kota Pontianak
​​​​​​​2. RMAC NUWSP

Ditulis oleh:
Tito Ghazy Aflah (Field Assistant Engineering Kota Pontianak)
Risyad Mahathir (Field Assistant Finance Kota Pontianak)
Nina Firstavina

#KunjunganLapangan #ISM #ImplementationSupportMission #WorldBank #CPMUNUWSP #Pontianak #Indonesia #TirtaKhatulistiwa #AirMinum 

ISM NUWSP 2024 Field Visit to Pontianak City

The National Urban Water Supply Project (NUWSP) is an initiative for implementing the National Urban Water Supply Framework (NUWAS) to enhance access to drinking water in urban areas, prioritizing investments in piped water systems in selected districts and cities. As a key investment priority within NUWSP, the focus remains on urban drinking water supply through piped networks managed by PDAM. This focus is due to the availability of clear policies, instruments, and institutional regulations for piped drinking water supply, as well as the potential for a greater impact. Additionally, it aims to improve the performance of local governments in increasing urban drinking water access.

Figure 1. The atmosphere of the meeting between the CPMU NUWSP team, the World Bank, and the Pontianak City Government at the Balai PPW Kalimantan Barat (Doc. NUWSP).

The city of Pontianak, through Perumda Air Minum Tirta Khatulistiwa, has been selected as a city for the NUWSP program with a support grant scheme prepared since 2023. In this context, NUWSP provides funding incentives through a Business to Business collaboration between Perumda Air Minum Tirta Khatulistiwa. The output of NUWSP in Pontianak includes improvements in service quality and service coverage, with an increase of 1,170 new service connections (SR).

In support of the NUWSP activities, an Implementation Support Mission (ISM) will be conducted from July 11 to 19, 2024, aimed at evaluating progress toward the loan deadline in accordance with the extension period (November 30, 2024). One of the ISM agendas is a field visit for monitoring and evaluating the physical construction activities of Component I of NUWSP in Pontianak, scheduled for Wednesday, July 17, 2024. This field visit will be attended by the World Bank Team for NUWSP Indonesia, the Central Project Management Unit (CPMU) NUWSP team, representatives from the Ministry of Finance, Bappenas, the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Ministry of Public Works and Housing (PUPR), the West Kalimantan Provincial Development Planning Agency (BPPW), the Pontianak City Drinking Water State-Owned Enterprise (BUMD), the Pontianak City Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda), and the Head of Public Works/Residential and Spatial Planning/OPD for Drinking Water of Pontianak City.

Figure 2. The CPMU NUWSP team, the World Bank team, the BPPW Kalbar team, Tirta Khatulistiwa, and the NUWSP team inspecting the pipeline route work area as part of the NUWSP 2024 ISM visit to Pontianak City (Doc. NUWSP).

Before the field visit, a briefing was held at the West Kalimantan Regional Infrastructure and Housing Agency (BPPW), opened by the Head of BPPW Kalbar, Mohd. Yoza Habibie, accompanied by the Head of Satker Region II, Urai Asikin, and the Project Manager of AM BPPW Kalbar, Reynaldo. Following this, Perumda Tirta Khatulistiwa was presented by Director of Services Wawan Hari Purnomo. He provided an overview of the Non-Public Activities for the construction of the Beton Nipah Kuning Water Treatment Plant with a capacity of 300 LPS, including the intake and transmission pipeline network, by Perumda Tirta Khatulistiwa in the Sungai Beliung Subdistrict.

Additionally, information was presented regarding the NUWSP RC Document and the commitment to meeting service connections (SR) and Distribution Network (JDB) by Perumda Tirta Khatulistiwa. The progress of NUWSP activities was also outlined, specifically regarding the construction of the Imam Bonjol SPAM Piped Water Network. This was followed by a discussion and Q&A session related to the progress updates of NUWSP work and strategic issues concerning the NUWSP activities in Pontianak City.

Figure 3. The meeting between the CPMU NUWSP team, the World Bank, and the Pontianak City Government at the Balai PPW Kalimantan Barat, opened by the Head of Balai PPW Kalbar (top left photo), followed by presentations by Tirta Khatulistiwa and the NUWSP Supervisory Team (Doc. NUWSP).

The field visit commenced with a Safety Induction by the K3 and HSE officers from the supervision team and service providers. The visit continued with monitoring and evaluation along the planned pipeline route, starting from point 0 on Jalan Puskesmas Pal V. This point is the interconnection between the NUWSP JDU pipeline and the Pal V Booster owned by Perumda Kota Pontianak. The pipeline route on Jalan Puskesmas Pal V is located on the Jawi River bed, next to the Jawi River sheet pile, which is under the jurisdiction of the Directorate General of Water Resources, Ministry of Public Works and Housing (PUPR). This river area is managed by the Kalimantan I River Basin Agency. In accordance with one of the RC document requirements for NUWSP activities, Perumda, as the future manager of the project, has applied for a Water Resource Utilization permit in the Jawi River buffer zone to the Directorate General of Water Resources.

Figure 4. The field visit started from Booster PAL to Jalan Petani, followed by the CPMU NUWSP team, the World Bank team, the BPPW Kalbar team, Tirta Khatulistiwa, and the NUWSP team (Doc. NUWSP).

The pipeline route on Jalan Puskesmas Pal V also crosses a secondary irrigation channel owned by the Pontianak City Public Works Department. A 10-meter span pipe bridge is planned to be constructed over this irrigation channel, leading to the connection points on Jalan Ampera and Jalan Petani.

The field visit concluded with a Wrap-Up Meeting. It is hoped that this ISM will resolve all field issues effectively and that the benefits of NUWSP in Pontianak will be more widely experienced by the community.

Photo credit:
1. NUWSP Pontianak Team

Written by:
Tito Ghazy Aflah (Field Assistant Engineering, Pontianak)
Risyad Mahathir (Field Assistant Finance, Pontianak)

Translated by:
Nina Firstavina

#FieldVisit #ISM #ImplementationSupportMission #WorldBank #CPMUNUWSP #Pontianak #Indonesia #TirtaKhatulistiwa #WaterSupply

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