
Utility of The Future (UoF) Training of Trainer

The World Bank intends to introduce the Utility of the Future (UoF) framework as a self-assessment tool to help PDAMs for providing water and wastewater services in Indonesia, far beyond what most utilities have achieved or even aimed for today. The UoF is a framework that consists of a set of self-assessment tools to guide utilities through the transformation process by working in parallel to strengthen their essential processes and develop their future-thinking capabilities to navigate a rapidly changing environment.

In the initial stage, The World Bank is collaborating with Perumda Tirta Musi Palembang to conduct the pilot of UoF. The World Bank commits to carry out continuous assistance during its implementation and is targeted gradually to disseminate the framework to other PDAMs and water utility institutions.

In order to aim this objective, The World Bank is pleased to introduce you to UoF framework and hereby would like to invite to the UoF Training of Trainers (ToT), which will be held with following details:

Date: October 7, 2022

Time: 08:00 – 17:00 (Jakarta Time)

Venue: Room Jasmine 1, LG Floor, Hotel Ayana Midplaza Jakarta, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 10-11, Jakarta 10220

The objective of this training is to provide training to prospective UoF trainers to help PDAMs in assessing their current performance, identifying their vision and desired level of performance, and planning the actions to improve their performance, using the World Bank’s Utility of the Future tool version 2.0.



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